
I can't believe she's in the hospital. I shouldn't have left.


So, about the other day... Theo showed up, I'm pretty sure he came right from the studio and didn't bother changing. I'm glad, because it made Reia laugh and she hadn't so much as sighed when I tried talking to her. She acted like everything was normal, teasing him about the paint stains on his hoodie. How can she laugh when the doctors are saying she can't even remember this past week? Doesn't that scare her at all?


Reia spoke to me today. We haven't talked since before... You know? She said she's been quiet because she was scared I'd be mad at her, but when I said that none of this was her fault, she just... Well, she blinked at me and said she had no idea what I was talking about. The doctors told her all about the accident. They've supposedly gone over all of the details of what I could remember, but nothing helps. They said I really shouldn't press her on what happened the other night.